Friday, September 25, 2020

Annalakshimi - pay as you eat!

Annalakshimi is an Indian Vegetarian Restaurant dedicated to serving, loving and giving back to its community. In fact, the restaurant is manned by volunteers who generously give their time to cook, clean and serve the hoards of diners who pass though their doors. Their only policy? Eat what you wish and give what you feel! How awesome is that? I love the concept in its entirety! 

The evening began in typical fashion - getting lost. But to be fair, this time, it was also Jacob's doing because he walked so surely ahead of us; we followed blindly. Opps! As it turned out, a woman's intuition (specifically Meili's) is much more powerful than a man's (specifically Jacob's) percepts and soon we were tucking into delicious curries. 

Apart from the food, which was really delicious (I liked the curries best; Ritesh says its comparable to the food in South India!) we also had a good time getting our fortunes told - this was perhaps the most insane part of the evening! 

Ritesh himself knows a little about palm reading while Rod and his friend (I'm soooo sorry, I forgot your name!) know a thing or two about numerology. Apparently, my whole being is base on the number 4 (which makes me a planner), while Jamie's number is 9 (which makes her a magnet for success!). 

Thank you everyone! :)

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