Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Peranakan Food - a closer look

I'm a glut! And that is why no diet plan ever works on me - not even the ones which purport to the be the most effective. ;) I can't help raving on and on about food. So here's another food-related post. I hope you folks are hungry! 

These are not just ANY Peranakan dishes, these are THE FIVE DISHES Jamie and I hold in very high regard. 

So to all Peranakan restaurants out there, you had better had your act together because you wouldn't want to have cranky Jamie and I cussing and swearing on wasted 'stomach space' after a meal at your restaurant. 

Chap Chye also known as Nonya mixed vegetables. This is pretty simply to cook - Vermicelli, gingko nuts, black fungus, mushrooms and cabbage. 

This is the single dish that in my opinion defines Peranakan cuisine - Ayam Buah Keluak - lots of hard work to mark, savory and ultimately delicious. The Buah Keluak (black nut) has to be cracked, it's flesh pounded and then stuffed back into the nut. 

Spicy Assam Fish - I didn't even know this was considered Peranakan food. I love it anyway! Did you know that many Asians believe fishermen should never ever flip the fish over because it brings them bad luck? Even today, many people who work in the marine industry prefer to remove the bone once done with one side of the flesh rather than flip it over! 

Kueh Salat  - this two layered cake is Jamie's favourite! But she's picky like that :P  So guys, only get her the ones from Bangawan solo! 

My favorite - the onde onde is one of the most fattening desserts in existence. These are panda-flavoured glutinous rice balls sprinkled with coconut on the outside and seasoned with a little salt. You will find gula Melaka hiding right inside.  It's such a joy to eat this lovely dessert - very much like Kinder Bueno ;)

Don't leave Singapore without trying these goodies! 

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