Saturday, July 2, 2011

Some fantastic festivals of the world (July)

As we celebrate gastronomical delights at the annual Singapore Food Festival in Singapore this month, let's not forget the other amazing festivals around the world. Of course there are TONS (July seems to be THE month for festivals!) but I'm just going to highlight some of the more interesting ones :)

Festival of San Fermin
When: July 6
Where: Pamplona, Navarre, Spain

Supposedly Spain's most famous fiesta, the festival of San Fermin, (or the Pamplona Bull Run) is a week-long colourful, riotous celebration involving the running of the bulls, bullfighting and other traditional folkloric events. During this San Fermín festival week, the bulls are let loose in the streets every morning and they run from various points to the bullring, while thousands of brave (and crazy??!) men run alongside them! That truly must be a sight to behold! Word has it that every few years, one of these spunky runners end up dead!

Me thinks this would be a fascinating festival to visit! I'm sure Liz would agree! Just gotta stay out of a bull's way! :)

Looks fabulously exciting!!! woot!

Balaruc-le-Vieux Medieval Festival
When: July 15th to 17th
Where: Balaruc-le-Vieux, France

Always wanted to experience life as King Arthur or Robin Hood did? Now you can! I've always wanted to visit a Medieval Festival, watch some jousting, medieval dancing, music and drama! And where else would you find knights in shining armour on horseback?

Not exactly a Knight in shining armour..but what the heck :p

Gion Matsuri
When: July 9
Where: Kyoto, Japan

Japan holds a very special place in my heart, and I've always loved Kyoto so I definitely had to include this :)  The Gion Matsuri, or festival of Yasaka Shrine, is easily the most famous festival in Japan. It is celebrated throughout July and two of the most popular events are the Yamaboko Junko (a procession of floats on July 17th) and Yoiyama (evening festivities when the streets are closed to traffic and come alive with food and drink vendors...yummy!). The floats are known to be huge and impressive, and definitely worth a trip to Kyoto, especially if you love Japanese food and culture (like me!)

credits: Virtual tourist

Planning to visit this festival? Don't forget to check out this Kyoto Guide!

Circus City Festival
When: July 12-23
Where: Peru,  Indianapolis, U.S.A.

Always wanted to run away to join a circus? Did you know that you actually could? :)

Affectionately known as "The World's Greatest Amateur Circus", young circus enthusiasts volunteer to train and present performances during the Circus City festival which occurs for 10 days in July each year. It features rides, games, food, entertainment, arts & crafts and much much more and highlights include the parade and of course, the circus performances featuring juggling, unicycles, trapeeze and highwire acts! This is truly old school circus stuff that you read about in Blyton books!! How lovely :)


Now if only we had cool festivals like that in Singapore! For now, we'll just have to settle for the Food Festival, but next year...who knows :)


Jamie & Liz

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