Thursday, June 9, 2011

Pink Dot Day - Be Colour blind!

Hello everyone,

Here's another interesting event that's coming up in less than two weeks! I was mulling over whether to put this up for the longest time as I wasn't sure if this qualified as a festival. I did eventually because I'm sure the mood will be very festive!

Singapore on a large, macro-scale has become more accepting of gays, lesbians, transexuals and homosexuals. In 2003, the government recognized 'being gay' as having no bearing on one's ability to contribute and began to hire gay people in the civil service. As a result, there has been an increased in the number of men and women who are more forthcoming about their sexual orientation. However, at a micro-level, gay people are still being treated differently.

Pink Dot hopes to change perceptions by raising the visibility. But more importantly, the event is also a celebration of the basic human desire to love and be loved, regardless. (:

It is a protest for inclusivity!

This year's pink dot day will be held on Saturday, 18 June 2011 at Hong Lim Park (Singapore's Speaker's corner). How apt!

Unfortunately, we won't be there as Jamie will be working and I will be in Vietnam. But judging by last year's event, it'll be lots of fun!!! (:

Don't forget to come dressed in all things pink -- caps, hats, sunglasses, wigs, umbrellas and other accessories!

For more information, please visit their website.

credits: Pink dot Day website

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